Passionate. Hopeful. Inspired.

Hey there! I'm Kara, a Black Jew with a passion for religious pluralism and social justice. I'm inspired by the rich artistic traditions of Judaism and co-chair the Tikkun Olam Coalition at my temple in Hillsborough, NJ. I lead Israel engagement and education efforts, and strive to build a diverse and inclusive community.

When I'm not working at my job as Manager of Strategic Partnerships and Initiatives at the American Federation for Aging Research, I'm volunteering for various Jewish organizations including the Religious Action Center, Association of Reform Zionists of America, and the URJ Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) Board committee. I'm also a coach/facilitator for Project Shema, providing anti-Semitism training for professionals and volunteers in progressive activism. In addition, I'm a member of ARZA's Just Zionism leadership cohort and Mahloket Matters Lay Leadership Fellow.

I hold an M.P.H. in Public Health Informatics and a BA in Economics with a minor in applied ethics. I live in Central NJ with my partner and two kids, ages 2 and 10. When I'm not busy chasing after my little one, you can find me drawing, running, or studying Torah.